Priced by the foot.
Select the quantity based on the length of hose needed.
To replace milk hose on an assembly, one needs about 9 feet total (select 9 as quantity)
1/2" ID, 3/4" OD Silicone Hose
Silicone Milk Tubing is absolutely sanitary and, due to tightly bonded non-reactive pure resins, unaffected by milk fat or bacteria. Perfectly hygienic with a longer life span than other types of milk tubing when used properly, silicone tubing is as strong as plastic, more flexible than rubber, and can withstand -20° temperatures and boiling wash water. Stays transparent and resilient longer than plastic tubing.
The main difference between Silicone milk hose and Transflow milk hose, is its flexibility. Silicone milk hose is a great option for folks with hand, joint or mobility concerns.
Contains no BPA or phthalates.